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This information is provided for the Brubeck Network - the predecessor to the Streamr 1.0 network that's being released over Q4 2023 and Q1 2024.

Streamr 1.0 Network includes Streamr node versions 34 and above. Streamr SDK versions 9 and above. And also any dev-tatum tagged releases.

Earned rewards will be automatically sent to the node’s address and therefore compounded (up to the 20 000 DATA cap). The estimated reward distribution date is the first business day of each month.

There is an API as well as a community-built BrubeckScan dashboard for checking earnings and other mining and staking statistics.

In order to see the rewards a Streamr node has accumulated, the following API endpoints are available:

Accumulated rewards for a node address


Example response:
"DATA": 2.1341

Claimed rewards for a node address


Example response:
"claimCount": 177,
"claimPercentage": 0.9888268156424581,
"claimedRewardCodes": [
"claimTime": "2022-02-11T13:52:31.958Z",
"id": "3c03ac2d-eca1-44f9-b376-66c0fda233c2"
"claimTime": "2022-02-11T14:13:52.179Z",
"id": "353531a9-e283-45a8-b840-e983b7a2d002"
}, …

Annual percentage yield, annual percentage rate and amount of DATA staked


Spot is the value calculated from the last reward code, and the 24h value is a sliding average from the reward codes published in the last 24 hours.

Example response:

"24h-APR": 20.29,
"24h-APY": 23.35,
"24h-data-staked": 12469942.4,
"spot-APR": 15.69,
"spot-APY": 20.36,
"spot-data-staked": 113080139