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Run a Brubeck Streamr node


This information is provided for the Brubeck Network - the predecessor to the Streamr 1.0 network that's being released over Q4 2023 and Q1 2024.

Streamr 1.0 Network includes Streamr node versions 34 and above. Streamr SDK versions 9 and above. And also any dev-tatum tagged releases.

  • You can run up to 5 nodes per IP address
  • Rewards are automatically paid out at the beginning of the following month. The DATA token rewards are transferred to the wallet(s) you use for staking.
  • You can stake up to 20K DATA per node. However, if you stake the full amount, you will need to transfer the amount above 20K after you get your first rewards paid out to also stake and earn rewards on those. You can avoid the need to transfer tokens every month by staking less than 20K per node, such as 17K-18K DATA.

Pick a method

You have two methods to choose from: Docker and npm. Docker is the most straightforward and recommended method unless you are well-acquainted with npm. You only need 300MB of available memory per node that runs using Docker and a little less if you use the npm method.

Once you have either Docker or Node.js installed, the steps to download and start the node are very similar, regardless of whether you’re running Linux, macOS, or Windows (use PowerShell). You may need to adapt the commands for your platform or install OS-specific dependencies if they are missing.

The configuration wizard

As part of both approaches, we show how to run the configuration wizard to initialize your node’s config file, which will be saved on your disk. The wizard will let you either generate or import an Ethereum private key for your node. It will also allow you to enable additional plugins, but they are entirely unnecessary if you simply want to run a node to help expand the network and stake DATA tokens.

The Docker approach

If you are using Windows/PowerShell or macOS and don’t have Docker installed, get Docker Desktop here.


Note that Ubuntu is the recommended Linux distribution, but the commands should work as-is on most Debian derivatives.

If you are not sure if you have Docker installed, run the following command:

docker -v

If that returns a Docker version, you are good to go. If, however, the response is something along the lines of "The command 'docker' could not be found", go ahead and install Docker with the following commands.

First check if you have curl installed:

curl --version

If you get a response saying "command not found", install curl:

sudo apt update ; sudo apt install curl

Download the Docker install script:

curl -fsSL -o

Run the install script:

sudo sh

Docker's install script also installs all required dependencies.

When you have Docker installed, you can download, configure, and start the Streamr node.

Step 1: Create a folder for your node

You need a folder for your node where the node's config file will be stored. Create the folder with the following command:

mkdir ~/.streamrDocker1

Notice the number (1) at the end of the folder name. It is there in case you later want to create additional nodes on the same device/server, which you will need folders for too, a la .streamrDocker2 for your second node, .streamrDocker3 for your third node, etc. If you decide to create additional nodes, you need to change the number accordingly in the various commands. If you fail to adjust the folder name, you will end up with two or more nodes using the same config file and staking wallet, which will create a conflict and the result will be that only one of the nodes will able to claim rewards.

Step 2: Set permissions

Change the permissions on the node's folder:

sudo chmod -R 777 ~/.streamrDocker*/

Step 3: Run the Config Wizard to create and configure your Streamr node

Start the Config Wizard with the below command. Docker will download the Streamr node image unless you have it already.

Linux / macOS

sudo docker run -it -v $(cd ~/.streamrDocker1 && pwd):/home/streamr/.streamr streamr/node:latest bin/config-wizard

Windows PowerShell

Change the working directory (move into your node's folder):

cd ~/.streamrDocker1

Then run the Config Wizard:

docker run -it -v ${pwd}:/home/streamr/.streamr streamr/node:latest bin/config-wizard

Using the Config Wizard

"Generate or import Ethereum private key"

You can generate a new private key or use one you already have. You can avoid having the private key of the wallet with your soon-to-be staked DATA stored in a plain text file by generating a new private key in this step and adding your staking wallet's public key as a beneficiary address once you are done configuring the node via the Config Wizard (highly recommended).

"Plugins to enable"

Press 'enter' (do not select/enable any additional plugins).

"Path to store the configuration"

Press 'enter' to use the default path.


The path to the config file in the docker run command and the path defined via the Config Wizard differs and tend to cause some confusion. They are different for a reason. The path in the docker run command (/home/streamr/.streamr) refers to the path inside the Docker container, whereas the path you define via the Config Wizard refers to the path outside the Docker container. Hence, you need to use the default path as mentioned above.

Step 4: Add a Beneficiary Address to your node (optional)

A beneficiary address allows you to only add the public key of the wallet with your staked DATA tokens to the config file instead of the private key. By using a beneficiary address, if your node is compromised, the staked DATA tokens will not be at risk. We highly recommend you use a beneficiary address.

Exercise caution when you edit the config file. If you accidentally remove a character such as a curly bracket or use the wrong type of quotation symbol, the config file's JSON format will be invalid and your node will fail to run.

Linux / macOS

Open your node's config file with the nano text editor:

nano ~/.streamrDocker1/config/default.json

Add the Beneficiary Address's public key within the curly brackets after "brubeckMiner": :

        "brubeckMiner": { "beneficiaryAddress": "0x........................................" }

Hit CTRL-S to save on Linux (CMD-S on macOS) followed by CTRL-X (CMD-X on macOS) to exit.

Windows PowerShell

Edit the config file with Notepad. This assumes that you've created the node folder in your Windows user's home folder. If that's not the case, then you need to correct the path. Replace user with your logged in username.

notepad.exe C:\Users\user\.streamrDocker1\config\default.json

Add the Beneficiary Address's public key within the curly brackets after "brubeckMiner": :

        "brubeckMiner": { "beneficiaryAddress": "0x........................................" }

Press CTRL+S to save. Close the editor.

Step 5: Start your Streamr Node using Docker

Linux / macOS

sudo docker run --name streamr1 --restart unless-stopped -d -v $(cd ~/.streamrDocker1 && pwd):/home/streamr/.streamr streamr/node:latest

Windows PowerShell

First move into your node's folder:

cd ~/.streamrDocker1

Start your node:

docker run --name streamr1 --restart unless-stopped -d -v ${pwd}:/home/streamr/.streamr streamr/node:latest

The docker run command, deconstructed:

The --name option gives the Docker container a custom name, in this case streamr1. This makes it easier to check in on your node later, in case you have more than one node running. If you end up with several nodes, you will appreciate the ability to easily distinguish between them. If you don't set a custom name, Docker will automatically give each container a funky name a la nifty_lovelace.

The --restart option enables a restart policy of unless-stopped. This means that if a node stops running due to an error (such as it running out of memory), it will start up again automatically and continue to claim rewards. If you, however, stop a node manually, it won't start again on its own, which is practical in case you need to make changes to the config file before you start it again. You can restart a stopped node manually with the command sudo docker restart streamr1 (remove sudo if you are using Windows PowerShell). If you don't set a restart policy and your node stops running, you will miss out on rewards if you don't notice that the node is down and restart it shortly after.

The -d option starts your Docker container and node in detached mode, meaning it runs in the background and you can check in on and follow the logs as you please. The alternative is to start it in attached mode, which requires you to keep the window open to keep the node running. The latter is not practical in most cases unless you use a terminal multiplexer such as tmux or screen to detach.

Step 5: Follow the node log

Since you started the node in detached mode, you won't see the log streamed to your screen automatically when you start the node. Run the command below to see and follow the logs.

Linux / macOS

sudo docker logs --follow streamr1

Windows PowerShell

docker logs --follow streamr1

You should start to see logging similar to this:

INFO [2022-02-17T07:50:34.901] (broker              ): Starting broker version nn.n.n
INFO [2022-02-17T07:50:35.080] (BrubeckMinerPlugin ): Analyzing NAT type
INFO [2022-02-17T07:50:36.339] (TrackerConnector ): Connected to tracker 0x77FA7A
INFO [2022-02-17T07:51:00.749] (TrackerConnector ): Connected to tracker 0x05e7a0
INFO [2022-02-17T07:51:07.021] (BrubeckMinerPlugin ): NAT type: Full Cone
INFO [2022-02-17T07:51:07.029] (BrubeckMinerPlugin ): Brubeck miner plugin started
INFO [2022-02-17T07:51:07.033] (httpServer ): HTTP server listening on 7171
INFO [2022-02-17T07:51:07.056] (broker ): Welcome to the Streamr Network. Your node's generated name is ...

Hit CTRL-Z to exit. The node will keep running in the background.

If you just want to check the current log and not see new lines printed to the screen, you can run the docker logs command without the --follow option, as follows:

Linux / macOS

sudo docker logs streamr1

Windows PowerShell

docker logs streamr1

If your node has been running for a while, printing the entire log out might not make sense, since there will be a lot of log lines. If you just want to see the last 100 lines to see if your node is claiming rewards as it should, use the following command:

Linux / macOS

sudo docker logs --tail 100 streamr1

Windows PowerShell

docker logs --tail 100 streamr1

See Docker's documentation to learn more about how to use the docker logs command.

The npm approach

If you don’t have Node.js installed, install it using nvm or manually from the Node.js site. The Streamr Node requires at least Node.js version 18.x. Once installed, you can download, configure, and start the Streamr Node.

Step 1: Install the latest version using npm

  • Run npm install -g @streamr/node to download and install the package. You may need administrative access to run this command.
npm install -g @streamr/node

There can be plenty of output from npm. If the installation fails with an error, you should address it before continuing.

Step 2: Configure your node with streamr-broker-init

  • Run streamr-broker-init to generate a configuration file using a step-by-step wizard. Answer the questions by using arrow keys and ‘enter’ to navigate.
  • Generate or Import Ethereum private key: Generate one unless you have one you want to use with the node
  • Plugins to enable: Hit enter
  • Path to store the configuration: Press 'enter' to use the default path

Towards the end, the wizard asks if you would like it to display your Ethereum private key. From here, you should copy-paste it to a safe place! You can also find it later in the configuration file, which is saved by default to .streamr/broker-config.json under your home directory.

Step 3: Start the Streamr Node

  • Run streamr-broker to start the node! You should start to see logging similar to this:
INFO [2022-02-17T07:50:34.901] (broker              ): Starting broker version nn.n.n
INFO [2022-02-17T07:50:35.080] (BrubeckMinerPlugin ): Analyzing NAT type
INFO [2022-02-17T07:50:36.339] (TrackerConnector ): Connected to tracker 0x77FA7A
INFO [2022-02-17T07:51:00.749] (TrackerConnector ): Connected to tracker 0x05e7a0
INFO [2022-02-17T07:51:07.021] (BrubeckMinerPlugin ): NAT type: Full Cone
INFO [2022-02-17T07:51:07.029] (BrubeckMinerPlugin ): Brubeck miner plugin started
INFO [2022-02-17T07:51:07.033] (httpServer ): HTTP server listening on 7171
INFO [2022-02-17T07:51:07.056] (broker ): Welcome to the Streamr Network. Your node's generated name is ...

The alternative: Nodes-as-a-Service

Scared of the command line? Not feeling up to docking anything besides your yacht? Nodes-as-a-Service (NaaS) to the rescue! You can spin up Streamr nodes with just a few clicks through either Zonaris or Flux on fully decentralised infrastructure without issuing a single command in a Command-Line Interface.



  • One or more wallets with DATA tokens on the Polygon Network. If you don't have a wallet yet, Zonaris gives clear instructions during sign-up.


  1. Visit Zonaris' Streamr staking landing page
  2. Click 'Start a Streamr node'
  3. Enter your name, email address and choose your password. Accept the terms and click 'Get Started'.
  4. Verify your email address
  5. "Choose project": Select Streamr and click 'Next'
  6. Follow Zonaris' instructions for creating one or more new wallets. If you already have one, you can click "Skip step" to go to the "Start Earning" screen where you paste your wallet address or addresses. You can add up to 20 wallets at once, meaning you can bulk deploy up to 20 nodes during onboarding.
  7. Add your billing details and pay. Done!



  • A ZelID
  • A Polygon wallet with the DATA tokens you want to stake
  • Flux coins


To create a Streamr node via Flux, you first need to log in here using your ZelID. If you don't have a ZelID yet, you can get one via the Zelcore app.

Then visit Flux's app marketplace in the same browser window, search for StreamrNode and paste your Polygon wallet's address into the field where it says "Enter your Polygon address here". Click "Start Launching Marketplace App", authenticate with your ZelID and pay for the service with Flux coins.