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Interface: StreamrClientConfig



optional auth: PrivateKeyAuthConfig | ProviderAuthConfig

The Ethereum identity to be used by the client. Either a private key or a window.ethereum object.


optional cache: object

Determines caching behaviour for certain repeated smart contract queries.


optional maxAge: number


optional maxSize: number


optional contracts: object


optional ethereumNetwork: EthereumNetworkConfig


optional maxConcurrentCalls: number


optional pollInterval: number


optional rpcQuorum: number


optional rpcs: ConnectionInfo[]


optional storageNodeRegistryChainAddress: string


optional streamRegistryChainAddress: string


optional streamStorageRegistryChainAddress: string


optional theGraphUrl: string

Some TheGraph instance, that indexes the streamr registries


optional encryption: object

Controls how messages encryption and decryption should be handled and how encryption keys should be exchanged.


optional keyRequestTimeout: number

When requesting an encryption key using the standard Streamr key-exchange system, defines how many milliseconds should a response be awaited for.


optional litProtocolEnabled: boolean

Enable experimental Lit Protocol key exchange.

When enabled encryption key storing and fetching will primarily be done through the Lit Protocol and secondarily through the standard Streamr key-exchange system.


optional litProtocolLogging: boolean

Enable log messages of the Lit Protocol library to be printed to stdout.


optional maxKeyRequestsPerSecond: number

The maximum amount of encryption key requests that should be sent via the standard Streamr key-exchange system per second.

In streams with 1000+ publishers, it is important to limit the amount of control message traffic that gets generated to avoid network buffers from overflowing.


optional rsaKeyLength: number

Defines how strong RSA key, in bits, is used when an encryption key is requested via the standard Streamr key-exchange.


optional environment: EnvironmentId


optional gapFill: boolean

Set to true to enable gap filling.

Some messages may occasionally not reach the client due to networking issues. Missing messages form gaps that are often detectable and retrievable on demand. By enabling gap filling, the client will detect and fix gaps automatically for you.


optional gapFillStrategy: GapFillStrategy

When gap filling is enabled, this setting controls whether to enable a lighter (default) or a full gap fill strategy.

While filling a gap, new gaps may emerge further along the message chain. After a gap has been filled, the gap filling mechanism will attend to the next gap until that has been resolved and so forth.

This is great in theory, but sometimes in practice, especially in streams with heavy traffic, the gap filling mechanism may never catch up leading to permanently increased latency, and even dropped messages (due to buffer overflows) further exacerbating the presence of gaps.

With light strategy, when a gap cannot be successfully filled and must be dropped, all subsequent accumulated gaps will be dropped as well. This improves the ability to stay up-to-date at the cost of potentially missing messages. With full strategy the subsequent gaps will not be dropped.


optional gapFillTimeout: number

When gap filling is enabled and a gap is encountered, this option defines the amount of time in milliseconds to wait before attempting to actively fill in the gap.

Rationale: data may just be arriving out-of-order and the missing message(s) may be on their way. For efficiency, it makes sense to wait a little before actively attempting to fill in a gap, as this involves a resend request / response interaction with a storage node.


optional id: string

Custom human-readable debug id for client. Used in logging.


optional logLevel: LogLevel

Override the default logging level.


optional maxGapRequests: number

When gap filling is enabled, this option controls the maximum amount of times a gap will try to be actively filled before giving up and proceeding forwards.


optional metrics: boolean | { maxPublishDelay: number; periods: object[]; }

Determines the telemetry metrics that are sent to the Streamr Network at regular intervals.

By setting this to false, you disable the feature.


optional network: NetworkConfig

Config for the decentralized network layer.


optional orderMessages: boolean

Due to the distributed nature of the network, messages may occasionally arrive to the client out-of-order. Set this option to true if you want the client to reorder received messages to the intended order.


optional retryResendAfter: number

When gap filling is enabled and a gap is encountered, a resend request may eventually be sent to a storage node in an attempt to actively fill in the gap. This option controls how long to wait for, in milliseconds, for a resend response from the storage node before proceeding to the next attempt.