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Metrics publishing

By default, the Streamr SDK is configured to publish metrics to the Streamr Network at regular intervals. The metrics include, for example, information about data volumes passing through the node, and are attributed to your node id. Here's the content of the metrics messages:

node: {
id: string
broadcastMessagesPerSecond: number
broadcastBytesPerSecond: number
sendMessagesPerSecond: number
sendBytesPerSecond: number
receiveMessagesPerSecond: number
receiveBytesPerSecond: number
connectionAverageCount: number
connectionTotalFailureCount: number
period: {
start: number
end: number

If you don't want to publish metrics, you can turn it off in the constructor configuration:

const Streamr = require('@streamr/sdk')

const streamr = new Streamr({
metrics: false

If you want to use custom stream and/or reporting periods, you can specify the details like this:

const Streamr = require('@streamr/sdk')
const streamr = new Streamr({
metrics: {
periods: [{
duration: 3600000, // in milliseconds
streamId: "my-metrics-stream.eth/hour"