📄️ NodeJS
This is a quickstart guide on creating your first stream using the Streamr JavaScript client in a NodeJS script.
📄️ Web app frameworks
In this quickstart guide, you'll be using Streamr in a ReactJS web application. You'll be reading from a publicly readable stream. Your ReactJS app will be a consumer (subscriber) of the stream. If you want your app to be able to write data to the stream, then you'll need to grant access to individual users of your app or create a publicly writable stream (the latter is typically not recommended). Publishing is typically accomplished with a centralized gatekeeping service (like a NodeJS server).
📄️ Use any language or device
This tutorial will show you how to publish data into the Streamr Network from inside your app by interfacing with a Broker node that you run using the MQTT protocol. MQTT client libraries are available for a huge variety of programming languages but you can also use WebSockets or HTTP if you prefer.